Wednesday, February 25, 2009


So if everything is on track my next period is to start March 4th, which means I got a long time to wait to see if we are preggers. But after reading up on some ovulation facts, I'm not letting the Hubs off so easily yet. My cycle has always been irregular so I might still be ovulating, so more making babies! This week I haven't felt the best; I've been burping a lot and have had sharp pains in my lower abs. Could it be a baby or just PMS? My dad's birthday is March 7th so it the preg test is positive we are gonna get him a coffee mug that says Grandpa on it! The kids I watch have the stomach flu. They had it this past weekend and thought they were all done.....But Morgan(5yrs. old) threw up at school and all day yesterday. She was such a trooper! Didn't cry once! She only got upset when we didn't get the bucket fast enough and she puked a little on her mom's couch. It was a tinnie tiny bit, Oxy clean took care of it, but she thought that I or her mom would be mad. Laina( 3yrs.) must think puke in cool, it never phased her once. I was in the kitchen making their lunch and asked if Morgan was OK. Laina called back, "No she's puking, but I'm holding her hair for her." Such a little sweetheart. Can't say the same for the baby Quinn(1yrs.). He wanted that puke bucket in the worst way. I had to put him in his highchair every time Morgan started to puke, or Quinn was over there trying to take the bucket!

I've also been looking on-line about sewing your own cloth diapers....I can sew somewhat, but I think I'll try to hone my skills before I try cloth diapers. I would be nice if I learn to sew better, to make my own. I just think of all the cute patterns I could use! Well, that's pretty much all I can think of for today. Weather man says we are gonna get 6-10 inches of snow Thursday, so maybe I'll log on tomorrow!

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