Monday, March 9, 2009

Shopping and Shape Mag.

Well, I'm def. not pregnant. Darn! But after talking to Linda and a herbalist on line; me and Jerrod picked up some herbage at our local natural food market. We got Maca, which we are both to take- makes you frisky and help a women ovulate; Royal Jelly- I just take-again with helping ovulation and egg development and last I picked up some soy isoflavons- supposed to work like a natural clomid.* Jerrod has been joking that if I keep taking these, we'll end up with twins or something. I tell him, no problem, I'd love twins! We went shopping in Appleton. Jerrod had to go to Williams and Sonoma to get dish towel and them we went to Macy's and picked up a food scale, colander and some super cute Martha Stewart cookie cutters in springtime shapes. I also picked up my face wash by Derm a Doctor and after even one use, I can tell a difference. Then it was off to Old Navy...disappointing. Online they have petite sizes, but in store NOOO! Jerrod found a nice shirt and blazer for Easter, so I'll have to do my shopping online.
With the winter storm on Sunday we stayed in and watched our cozy fire. I was reading my new Shape mag. and they had in there about cloth diapers. Jerrod and I have decided that when we do have kids we are going to use cloth. I did alot of research and truly believe cloth is the way to go. The Shape article was about ways to go green and it said not to use cloth diapers. Their reasons were 1. same impact on the envrio. as reg. diapers because of the water used and 2. parents don't have time to wash diapers and what parent would want to. That made me mad! My reasons for using them 1. think about the resources it took to make a reg. diaper vs. a cloth; 2. water is a renewable resource and what washer isn't HE now.; 3. you have to wash baby clothes just as much as you have to wash everything for a baby. So what's the big deal? I guess if my sister Mag was Fit Pregnancy and Pampers did alot of advertising in my Mag. I'd boo cloth too.
*I am not a doctor. Do not take anything I say I'm taking without discussing it with your doctor first. What my work for me, may not work for you.

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